Life Lessons Courtesy of College - 4

Cherish The Time You Have With Family

In my family I am the oldest of three kids- my younger sister is 3 years younger than me and my younger brother is 8 years younger. When growing up, as is customary with the oldest child, I was always breaking down barriers with my parents that my siblings were then able to waltz on through such as later bed times and phone privileges. I had always felt like my parents were holding me back and not allowing me to grow up and be the "adult" I thought I was. When it came to high school (especially my senior year) fights became more prevalent and often ended with me yelling "I can't wait to leave this place and not have to be here with you" to my parents. At the time, I had no other way I could express my growing hostility towards them and I had felt like I deserved to be treated more like an adult with less restrictions and rules than my siblings. 

Sadly, with all the fighting and hostility in the house I had grown away from my family. I began working more hours and longer hours at work to be away from them and did everything I could to have a minimal presence at my family's home. Looking back on it, I regret every minute of that. When it came to move in day at the dorms, I was ecstatic. I was finally going to be able to do what I wanted on my own time with no parents looming over me and telling me I was doing the wrong things. What I didn't realize, however, was how much I would actually miss my family. The first week was nothing out of the ordinary as I had spent weeks apart from my family. When the first month of school flew by I was starting to miss my family. While I was still young and immature at the time, I began to realize how much my family actually meant to me and how I did want to see them but at the time, I only wanted to see them in short time spans. It took me a whole year away from my family to fully realize and understand the true value of family and to actually enjoy the time I had with them. 

As I look back on my immature and selfish years I carry a heavy sense of regret. Just this past week, my family moved to Philadelphia- a whole 2 hour plane ride away. Where they are living up north now, I will be remaining down in Georgia to finish my degree and for my job offer I have once I graduate. I regret not cherishing the moments I had with them while I had the convenience of them living an hour car ride away. I regret the small and meaningless fights we had over me wanting my independence. But most of all, I regret not spending more time with them. Now, I will only have the ability to see them on holidays and once every couple of months. No longer will I be able to call up my mother and ask her if she wants to have lunch with me. So while it might seem like your family is overbearing and holding you back, I encourage you to look at it as them showing they love you. It was too late for me to realize that before my family moved away. Cherish all the moments you have with your family now while you can because you might not always have the ease or ability to call them up and see them when you'd like. 


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